); in page footer?

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Just Curious

Posted: 1/11/2010
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I had some managers complain that the "DNN Skins Generated by Artisteer" at the bottom of the page was showing up in our skin. Since they didn't like the "free advertising" I was asked if I could edit it out. I gave it a try by just blank/delete/comment that line from the page.ascx file.

Oddly enough, when you do this the emoticon ); shows up at the bottom and when you repair the skin with the text, the emoticon goes away.

Anyone else notice this?

Posted: 1/11/2010
Quote message 

You can remove/edit "created by" footer links anytime going Export -> Export Options -> Footnote.

No longer curious

Posted: 1/12/2010
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Yup. Leave it to me to not explore ALL options of a software package!

:-@ :-D


Posted: 2/2/2010
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Quote Garry:

You can remove/edit "created by" footer links anytime going Export -> Export Options -> Footnote.

Hi Garry,
If I select the Export option "Include a backward link to the author" then Artisteer automatically adds the current domain before my url (or author url). So it becomes: www.customerdomain.com/www.mydomain.com. I would like to keep my name/url at the footer. How can I do that?



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