Extend Header past sheet

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Ariane Griffiths

Posted: 1/10/2010
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Hey Everyone,
Was wondering if you had any ideas on how one could extend the header past the boundaries of the "sheet"
The header is 1000px but the body/sheet is 900px

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Posted: 1/10/2010
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You need to create a main div, create a new div in it having header with 1000px width then place the entire sheet div in it.

But you need to learn some HTML/css for it.

Posted: 1/22/2010
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If you want the header style to go across the page, but the content (images, text) stay within the width of the sheet, you can create a page background with the header image across the top. Then, let it scroll with the page. That's what I did with this site: http://eagle-auto.com

(By the way, it was not created in Artisteer, but the principle is the same)

Posted: 1/22/2010
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I have been experimenting with cutting header graphics to have the lower part as the background in the nav bar which then extends the header down. I've had a LOT of fun playing with that!