adding shopping cart code to the side bar

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Posted: 1/5/2010
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check out the site i made with artisteer:

i dont have sidebars added to my theme, but if you look at my page, there's room on the right side for a shopping cart to be placed....would i be able to embed the shopping cart code somehow in my template without adding a sidebar?

thanks in advance

Posted: 1/5/2010
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You need to install an ecommerce plugin on your site to enable ecommerce functionality, it'll need to add plugin's widget to sidebar and without sidebar how can you add that widget.

Posted: 1/5/2010
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Are you talking about your own shopping cart or something like an Amazon code block?

If the space is there why not use a sidebar and widget?

Dave Porter

Posted: 1/5/2010
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Hi Joe,

Have not tried it personally, but this e-commerce WP add on looks promising.

cheers Dave

Posted: 1/7/2010
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right now i've been using the ecwid shopping cart's shopping interface is a little blocky but it's been pretty user friendly and easy to use....i didn't add any sidebars just so i could keep the look of the site really simple....maybe i'll change things around a little bit

Posted: 1/7/2010
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You can display your cart on right/left side of site if you have good knowledge of HTML, CSS and basic PHP.