Expand the header menu for extra pages

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Posted: 12/31/2009
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I have a client who wants to expand the header menu by the number of pages he wants.

Is it possible to add an extra row of tabs?

As it is, adding the extra tabs he wants throws the template out.

Is it possible to only include certain pages in the header menu and the rest in the sidebar menu?
The header menu is needed as there are several pages on the site without a sidebar, so navigation is needed in the header area.

Thanks in advance

Posted: 12/31/2009
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If you add lot of pages they'll start displaying in second row in FF but IE doesn't display the second row in some cases.

Posted: 1/1/2010
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Include Specific Pages Only, in the Header.php look for:

Look for <?php art_menu_items(); ?>

Try <?php wp_list_pages('include=7,13,26,35); ?>

I have not tested it so I am not sure if the art_menu CSS works with it 'out the box'


Posted: 1/1/2010
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Carmel, Ignore the header.php and edit your functions.php, look for the function art_menu_items()

Find the line: wp_list_pages('title_li=');

Add in your page ID Include Filter:


Posted: 1/1/2010
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Thanks David I'll try that

Carmel :-)

Posted: 1/1/2010
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To exclude some pages from main menu you can also use following plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/exclude-pages/

Posted: 1/4/2010
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Hi Garry,

I do use the exclude pages plugin but this client wants to add more pages than the menu bar will handle.

Unfortunately, David's suggestion didn't work either, I know that works with the exclude option but that would be something that would need doing on a continuous basis.

So it's back to the drawing board......

Thanking you