I keep getting 404 Errors in my footer links

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Posted: 12/15/2009
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Has anyone run into the links in the footer giving 404 errors at times? Sometimes it happens, other times not. I've had this happen on the blog I just sold, and don't know why it happens. In the footer section, I'm using quotations like this: " instead of the ' that is by default in there. Could that have something to do with it?

This is the permalink on the page I published:http://www.mydomainname.org/ftc-disclosure/ (i didn't insert that last / - it just ends up there).

This is what I've got in the footer area: <a href="http://www.mydomainname.org/contact-us">Contact Us</a> | <a href="http://www.mydomainname.org/legaldisclaimer/">Legal Disclaimer</a> | <a href="http://www.mydomainname.org/ftc-disclosure/"> FTC Disclosure </a> <br/>Copyright © 2009 My Domain Name. All Rights Reserved.

The Contact Us page was created with a plugin and is causing no problems at all. It's the Legal Disclaimer (not created with a plugin) and the FTC Disclosure (created with a plugin) that are not reliably working.

What could be the problem? Thanks.

Posted: 12/15/2009
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Try adding complete URL as "http://www.yourdomain.com/subpage"
Dave Porter

Posted: 12/16/2009
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Hi Kim,

Well as you have provided the links, simply see why they are wrong and change them ! Or am I missing something.

$default_footer_content holds this info and is in the functions.php file

HTH Dave


Posted: 12/17/2009
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Dave, the reason I'm asking is because they are not working no matter what I try. I will go in and try a few other things. Never had this problem before with my other sites.
Dave Porter

Posted: 12/17/2009
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Hi Kim,

Can you provide a link so we can take a look ?

cheers Dave


Posted: 12/17/2009
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Maybe it's a permalink thing.

You want something like this...

with no trailing slash.


Posted: 12/17/2009
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Simply open the pages in browser whom links you placed in footer, copy exact links and replace footer links with new ones.

Posted: 12/18/2009
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Quote Dave Porter:

Hi Kim,

Can you provide a link so we can take a look ?

cheers Dave

My permalinks are set up /%postname%.html
Actually now that I looked at another site, I notice it has the same problem. Here is the one site: http://www.highcholesteroltips.org . I have used <a href="http://www. and tried <a href="http:high without the www. to see if it makes a difference, but it doesn't . I do not know what can be the problem. I never had this issue with Superadsense Themes.


Posted: 12/18/2009
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The other thing I should mention is that it sometimes works, other times not. It's not consistent.