Blogging under more than one Page

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Posted: 12/12/2009
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I have a website with 5 pages and on 3 of those page I'd like it look to add blog entries.

So basically 2 Static pages and 3 pages with entries. Is this possible?

Posted: 12/12/2009
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I think you can add as many static pages as you want but not blog/posts pages.
Dave Porter

Posted: 12/13/2009
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Hi Theresa,

But how are the 3 blog pages different ?
Different categories perhaps ?

If that is what you want, I'm sure there is a plugin for that, or maybe just setup category links, which would pretty much amount to what you want.

Get back and clarify that and I'm sure we can offer some suggestions.

cheers Dave


Posted: 12/13/2009
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I tried it too, but i think, that wordpress self lets you blog on one page. I also created subpages and tried different categories, but blog entries only showing on one page.

Posted: 12/16/2009
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I have gotten around this by installing WP on a few sub-directories and adding links to the nav menu for each one. The user doesn't know they are going between WP installs because the theme and elements carry through.

Try that.

For example:


1st WP install is "the beast" with all of the content and sub-pages

2nd WP install is a mirror of the first with no sub-pages and all of the links are hard-coded back to the original at /blog

The end-user sees a seemless site as they go back and forth between content at /blog and /blog2


Posted: 12/26/2009
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Great idea!!! Thank you so much

Posted: 1/17/2010
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If all you want to do is display posts with the same category as the page title then you can just add this before the loop

<?php $catx=$post -> post_title; ?>
<?php query_posts("category_name=$catx&orderby=parent"); ?>

So if for example you had a page called 'News' and another called 'Events' then the loop will return you only the posts in category 'News' on that page and just those in category 'Events' on the other page.