Removing widget and using that space for something else?

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Posted: 12/4/2009
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Based on advice given here, i downloaded and installed this plugin that hides widgets from selected pages.

I am noticing that although the widgets are not there, it seems as though that portion of the page can not be used for anything else because WordPress still treats that area as if something is there. As an example, I have Simple Press on a page and after removing the widgets, the forum still does not span the distance of the page.

Does anyone have any ideas how to resolve this?


Posted: 12/6/2009
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You need to change the width of the page. Easy if you are using 2.8

in header.php look for

This can now be amended to

<body <?php body_class(); ?>>

which will return all sorts of useful information when rendered.

in your css add some code like that below; chging nn for page number you want to change the width of. Here i have made it 830px

.page-id-nn #content {
width: 830px;

You could set up a Page Template for full width pages called say page-full which you can use to do the same thing.

.page-template-page-full-php #content {
width: 830px;

I recommend you make the chanhe to the body statement then take a look at whats returned before deciding on the best way to use the info.