Mac option for Blogger

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Brianna Phillips

Posted: 12/1/2009
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I just downloaded Artisteer for my macbook pro today and I am trying to make a page for my companies blogger page. My Artisteer doesn't give me an option to export to blogger at all. I exported it to wordpress and it made a folder with a million things it in. My page is done I just need help getting to blogger now.
Avatar X

Posted: 12/1/2009
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The Mac OS X version is a 0.1 release behind the windows version so there is no Blogger support for it. 2.3 for Mac should not be that far behind now, but it could be anywhere around a month or to for it to get to 2.3 beta.

So until then it will not have Blogger support.
Fred Schlomka

Posted: 1/21/2010
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I downloaded the latest version to my macbook pro but can't open it. I get a warning message that says:
"Artisteer is unable to store the configuration files. You might lose your preferences and activation records"
Then when I click OK, the software does not open./ Any thoughts on this.


Posted: 1/21/2010
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Which version of Mac are you using, as Artisteer currently support Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6 only

Posting Mac related issues to Mac section of this forum may be helpful.


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