How to change the login and register position?

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Posted: 11/25/2009
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Hello everyone,
Today I installed the skins which exported by artisteer, I found the login and register links were in the menu.
I want to change them to another place, how could I do?


Posted: 11/26/2009
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Hi !
You can't with Artisteer ! ;-)
You'll have to edit the .ascx pages generated by Artisteer.

Olivier Jooris

Posted: 11/26/2009
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In the ascx file of your skin you need to set showlogintab and showusertab to false. Then you put the normal DNN tags for login and user wherever you want.

<dnn:ARTMENU ID="ArtMenu1" ShowHiddenTabs="False" ShowAdminTabs="True" ShowDeletedTabs="False" ShowLoginTab="false" ShowUserTab="false" runat="server" />

Posted: 11/26/2009
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Thank you Egyo and Olivier .

I fixed this problem by your suggestions.
That's very helpful. :-)

Posted: 12/21/2009
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Is there a way i can make my own position can some one offer me links to it?
I wanna have a animated like other menu.
Artisteer make things so simple and limited.


Posted: 12/27/2009
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Hey Administrator,
I think the question you are asking is can you make the links to login and register look like the links in the menu but not have them as part of the menu.

First I need to add to one of the responses above that you must include the register in the skin header for login and user:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="LOGIN" Src="~/Admin/Skins/login.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="USER" Src="~/Admin/Skins/User.ascx" %>

Then you place your code in the body where you want your login and register to appear:
<dnn:USER runat="server" ID="dnnUSER" />
<dnn:LOGIN runat="server" ID="dnnLOGIN" />

If you add to these the css class that you want, e.g. in my newest skin the artisteer menu uses the following:
Probably best to wrap them in a div. e.g. <div class="art-menu"><dnn:USER runat="server" ID="dnnUSER" />
<dnn:LOGIN runat="server" ID="dnnLOGIN" /></div>
This should give you the same links as are contained in the main menu.

Posted: 12/27/2009
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Sorry my mistake. I just tried creating the above using css class and was unable to get the expected result.
This doesn't mean that it can't be done - just that I was unable to figure it out (and I am pretty good with DNN skinning).

However, my not in regards to using the registrar in your .ascx file are still correct.

Posted: 12/27/2009
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Would be great if they had an edit feature for this forum!!! Then I wouldn't have to leave an incorrect post or incorrect spellings as above.
