Sidebar Widgets

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Posted: 11/24/2009
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I am realtively new to Wordpress so not sure what i am doing wrong. When I created my Artisteer template I have everything looking exactly the way I want as far as colors etc.

When I go into wordpress I added a new widget to the sidebar and all the others that Artisteer made dissapeard.

So I added the search, categoring and links back, but they look different and my customer wants them to look that way. So the search does not have a header in the block.

Any way to add new widgets but keep the old ones there the way they look?

Posted: 11/24/2009
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If you want the widgetized area to start after all of the predefined blocks, you have to move one line of code.

Find this at the top of your sidebar file...

<?php if (!art_sidebar(1)): ?>

and move it to the bottom of the page just before the closing "endif" so that it now looks like this...

<?php if (!art_sidebar(1)): ?>
<?php endif ?>

That will start the widget area after all of your other stuff.


Posted: 11/24/2009
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Wow easy enough, thank you for taking the time to answer!