Adding additional Positions

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Posted: 11/1/2009
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I want to create additional blocks (not sure if that is what they are called?) under the Layout option. I am referring to additional areas I can store stuff, similar to the Search Position, Categories Position and Archive Position. How can I create additional generic ones that I can later add images or something else to?

Dave Porter

Posted: 11/1/2009
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Hi Stan,

The answer to a lot of beginner questions are really WordPress related not Artisteer. All Artisteer does is create a theme ( which is the look and feel of your website ). As I answered in the other thread, the vast majority of your customizatons are done in the Wordpress admin back end.

Plugins add functionality to you site & Widgets are used to add elements to your sidebar(s).

Check out the WordPress Codex documentation pages - there is a lot of great information there...
Here is the link to the main codex page:
And here is the info on Widgets:
HTH Dave

Posted: 11/2/2009
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Just go to widgets and add new widgets of your choice from your wordpress admin as Dave said, and they'll start showing on your sidebars as blocks.

Posted: 11/4/2009
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I want to design the look-and-feel of the blocks that will appear on the right side of my pages, though I do not necessarily need a "search," "Categories," "links" or "archives" blocks.

How should I design it in Artisteer with the goal of just designing the look of it so I can add whichever blocks I want when the theme is installed on my server?

Dave Porter

Posted: 11/4/2009
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Hi Stan,

The answers that Garry and I provided still stand...

You do this in your Wordpress admin - so you decide what appears in your sidebar(s) by dragging them on/off the sidebar in the widgets section.

Just try it, it is dead easy !

cheers Dave


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