Broken image links in sidebar of subpages

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Posted: 10/21/2009
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I have several small images displayed inside a text widget in my sidebar.
This works fine but today I added a couple of subpages and just noticed the sidebar images aren't displaying on these subpages.

Looking at the page source it seems wordpress is going looking for the images in a subdirectory named after the new page.
So, for example, the parent page is called 'services' and I have two subpages.
Wordpress now looks under /services/wp-content/themes/mytheme/images
but there is no image there because WP has gone looking inside a non-existent folder named 'services'.

I've wasted hours already trying to fix this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Posted: 10/21/2009
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Try inserting images in a folder, suppose you name it images2, then call images like ../images2 from your text widget.

Posted: 10/22/2009
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Quote Garry:

Try inserting images in a folder, suppose you name it images2, then call images like ../images2 from your text widget.

Thanks Garry.

I managed to fix it by changing the code for the image location in the stylesheet to a full url i.e. etc
