How to make a link visible that I am there?

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Stefan Ljutzkanov

Posted: 10/14/2009
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Hi everybody.

I have a general question about the Artisteer and believe me I tried to solved it by myself :).

How can I do a active link - where I am in the moment - to be selected somehow - lets say becoming bold? or changing the color?

I didn't find anyway for now, please help!


Posted: 10/14/2009
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Posted: 10/15/2009
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Thanks it works really fine.

I have one more questions in relation with it?
I am using a structure as section is going to a top menu and a category is going to a submenu, connected with the top menu.
So when I click on the link for the section it shows me that I am in the specific section, but when I click on the submenu - now it shows me the active link (thanks to Simi again!!! :-) ), but it doesn't show me anymore that I am in the specific section???

How can I fix this???
It is something like active section link or?
Please, help!

Posted: 12/24/2009
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I'm trying to do what Stefan is trying to done (and got working :( ).

I've spent absolutely ages on this and have looked at the link below:

Quote simi:

I've got a menu in the left sidebar and simply want to highlight the menu item that I'm on. My menu has a number of items and each each item has a number of sub-items.

Using the code below (I've just changed the body) it highlights the item and it's sub-items whereas I just want it to highlight the item or a particular sub-item that I'm on.

I'm much further on than I was previously but have hit this snag. Any help on getting me in the right direction would really be appreciated.

The Code snippet (template.css):

.art-BlockContent-body ul a span
color: #3672A1;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
font-weight: bold; /* added */
text-decoration: none;

Chris Jackson

Posted: 1/11/2010
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Did you get any furrther with this? I have managed to get mine highlighting the relevant menu item by using your code, but have the same issue where it highlights all sub items aswell.

Please let me know if you managed to sort this out in the end!



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