want secondary menu without dropdown

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Posted: 11/10/2009
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Joomla? I had to do the same thing.. so here's what I did.

I created all my pages I wanted in the "main menu". (menu > menu manager)
For the submenu, I just used "top menu" added my pages in there.
THEN I went to extensions > module manager
selected "top menu" and on the left inside "top menu" you want to make
sure either ALL are highlighted in the "menu assignment" for the menu
to show on all the pages... or you can pick and choose which ones you
want the menu to show on depending on what page you are on. ( I think you
can alt select certain ones) You will then chose a "position" for the menu which
is located at the top of the page.

Good Luck

Posted: 3/16/2010
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I'm evaluating artiseer at present and I have the same problem. If I don't want the drop-down menus how do I disable it?

I set all menu sources to Primary Links and no matter what block I assign Secondary Links to they don't want to appear. I can't even get a block title to display.

At present it looks like artiseer is breaking Drupal functionality in it's templates. Is this correct?

Posted: 3/25/2010
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Ah yes this is the same problem I'm having only I didn't see you post so I've posted it again.

@lostchord - yes it looks like Artisteer does break core Drupal functionality. I've yet to find a way around it which I'm working on at the moment. One option I'm exploring is using panes to stuff the menu into a drupal node then display the links I want via php code in a panel pane. But so far no joy with an Artisteer theme but it works fine in a no frills theme like Barlow.

Posted: 12/26/2010
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Thank You so much for the code... It worked very well..

Posted: 3/22/2011
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I would like to have the secondary link drop down menu. What CSS code and what should I use? write to danzisimail [at] yahoo.it Thanks :-)


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