Comprehensive How-to, Plz: Add Copy of Sidebar Archives and Categories to Top Menu

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Posted: 9/21/2009
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I've already read these postsm but find that they don't give enough real info. to figure out how to make an Artisteer Wordpress theme actually look like it did in the design stage--with drop-down menu items named Archives and Categories--before export:

Can someone please offer a comprehensive how-to, so that this (seemingly simple) promised feature can be realized in a site created by a coding neophyte? Thank you for any help in advance,


Posted: 9/21/2009
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I should note that I DO have categories and archive blocks in my sidebars (it's a 2-sidebar theme; theme, with categories in one sidebar, archives in another); I just want to duplicatethem in the top-menu, with drop-down lists. Thanks,


Posted: 9/21/2009
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I've read the big post from Adam on this, now, and I guess I'll go try the PAges Link To plugin for WP to see if it works.

As I stated in that topic, it isn't that Artisteer overtly promises in any of its documentation that one can add Categories and/or Archives to the top menu--it's that THESE ARE USED AS EXAMPLES WHEN ACTUALLY BUILDING YOUR THEME--which certainly seems like a promised feature of the software, to me. Anyway, folks, give that plugin a try, as I am going to. Cheers, all,

Mark Walter

Posted: 10/3/2009
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After reading through several post, I was able to coble together code from various post that added the archives to my main menu.

I added my code into the last div on the page.

<div class="art-nav">
<div class="l"></div>
<div class="r"></div>
<ul class="art-menu">
<?php art_menu_items(); ?>

Below is the code I inserted between <?php art_menu_items(); ?> and the </ul>

<li class="page_item page-item-13">
<a href="" title="Article Archives">
<span class="l"></span>
<span class="r"></span>
<span class="t">Article Archives</span></a></li>
<?php wp_get_archives('show_count=0&title_li='); ?>

It has a dropdown menu with the months for the archives.

You can check out the functionality here:

Hope this helps,
Mark Walter

Posted: 10/3/2009
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I'm sorry I forgot to tell which page I modified. It was the header.php file