Article padding question

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Gary Smith

Posted: 9/18/2009
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Overall the template has everything that I want except some additional room between the article title, body and footer. It would be nice to have a 5px top/bottom buffer on the body of an article. Right now, it almost looks like the article ends right at the border box for the article footer. It's a little too tight if you ask me.

Now, with that said, is there a way to change this? Looking into the Article section I have yet to find anything that looks like it can solve this.

Posted: 9/18/2009
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Gary - Under the "Articles" tab you will see a block titled "Text Formatting" in that block you will see "left and right margin buttons" they are the ones at the top left side of that block with arrows pointing in from the sides. Select either one and a drop down menu will appear, at the bottom you will see "More options", clicking on it brings up a pop up window with two tabs, one titled "Text" and one titled "Paragraph", you should be on the later, the additional options your are requesting will be listed under the "Spacing" section and titled "Before" and "After". Have Fun!
Gary Smith

Posted: 9/18/2009
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Yep, that did it. I was looking that that page ealier and the before and after just didn't click in the membrane.