Sidebar in footer

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Posted: 9/8/2009
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I woud like to know if it's possible to have widget aera in the footer instead left or right.

In this case, how it's possible to manage it in Artisteer ?


Best regards

Posted: 9/8/2009
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You can place any static content, change copyright but I think it is not possible to place widgets in footer.

Posted: 9/8/2009
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You could however set a widget to be at the bottom of the page by looking at the Layout section. There are options to set the location of your Archive, Categories, etc. and a possible selection is the bottom of the center column.

I haven't personally done in this with a live Wordpress install though; I have just noticed the option.

Posted: 9/9/2009
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As Jreese said, you can place your blocks on bottom of page(near footer) but it is static, I mean you don't get an option(like sidebar) to add and remove widgets there.