Import and export. Website or blog?

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Posted: 9/3/2009
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Hello all,
this is my first post here, but I am not so sure about the imjporting and exporting in Artister, and I have read the manual.

What I can't figure out is that you are suppose to be able to create either blogs or standard websites, however, I can only seem to save the blogs, with the only extension that seems to be supported, that being abx files.

As a result, I can't import any websites. Only blogs. Artister also doesn't seem to let you let you switch between abx and html. Most programs that support more than one extension also let you import one type of file and save it as one of the other file types that the program supports. Why isn't this the case with Artisteer?

As someone pointed out in another thread, you sometimes need to just code the html if you want something done. No wysiwyg or other web design software will let you do everything. Even the big boys like Dreamweaver have some limitations, and that is why you still need to be able to code in html.

While Artister will let you create html, it doesn't seem to be able to let you save as html. What gives?

In short, while it seems nice on the surface, to be able to work with abx and html, for some reason Artisteer has limitaions on each of these file types as to what you can do with them.

You can't save in one, or import in another, or or convert either of the file types to the other, etc. etc. This makes supporting more than one file type practically useless.

In short, does anyone know if there is a way that I can import an html document. That's the biggiest file limitation problem that I am having right now.

I want to be able to grab the html webpages that are already on my site or on my hard drive, and make changes to them when I need to, and then save the output in html also and without even having to do juggling acts between html documents and abx files.

Dave Porter

Posted: 9/3/2009
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Hi Misato,

No there is no import feature !
( Not sure why you say you cannot import web sites only bloggs ! )

artx format is used to store your web sites in it's own native format, then you can export to the format ( cms template / website html ) of your choice.

For example, lets say you are working on a site with Artisteer, you show the client, but they suggest some changes. If you could only export and not save as artx then you could not resume and make changes. But having the artx saved enables you to recall the template, make your changes and re-save ( optionally as a different name to keep the original )

I don't see any comparison between Artiseer and Dreamweaver, the do quite different things.

You don't switch between artx and html !

Sound like you need to download the pdf manual and have a read.
HTH, Dave Porter


Posted: 9/7/2009
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Hello Dave,

You are right, there is no import. What I meant was that I can't load ( not import ) html files. I just used the wrong word. ;D

I think I have figured out a work around though. When I go to create or modify a blog, I save and export it both. That way I have both the artx file and the html files.

Like I said though, this is sort of just a work around. Don't ask me why Artisteer won't let you import html files. Almost any other program that deals with more than one file type lets you save or load all of the file types that it supports.

Maybe Artisteer can do something about that in the next version. ;D

Dave Porter

Posted: 9/8/2009
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Hi Misasto,

What you are asking has been asked before.

But imagine the complexities of this !
I would rather Artisteer concentrate on getting the main functions of the program better rather then starting another major project.

regards, Dave Porter

Posted: 9/8/2009
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I think you expect Artisteer to just load its own exported html files later.

Posted: 10/6/2009
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I only view Artisteer as a visula front design tol. The backend engine (wordpress, drupla, etc..) is what makes the interaction.

You would not use to IMPORT something that is already created, it is not as such a EDITOR....except when its stored in its .ARTX file format. Then you can open it and continue editing where you left off.

For my customers I export and set up a DEMO site for them to view the new LOOK of the site. Get feedback, make changes to my Artisteer file, export post to the DEMO site and get approal.

For that need, this product is right on the mark !!!!


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