I need to edit wp_list_pages where in the world is it.

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Posted: 8/21/2009
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I am trying to find where the templates pull in wp_list_pages, but am unable to find where it is at.

After reading the codex

I want to replace my current page list with the following. I need to know where to place this code, or what to replace this code over.

// will display the subpages of this top level page
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0");
// diplays only the subpages of parent level
//$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&echo=0");

// now you can get the the top ID of this page
// wp is putting the ids DESC, thats why the top level ID is the last one
$ancestors = end($post->ancestors);
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$ancestors."&echo=0");
// you will always get the whole subpages list

if ($children) { ?>
<?php echo $children; ?>
<?php } ?>


Posted: 8/21/2009
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ok so I found where wp_list_pages is but it is listed a few times. how do I add..



// will display the subpages of this top level page

$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0");


// diplays only the subpages of parent level

//$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&echo=0");



// now you can get the the top ID of this page

// wp is putting the ids DESC, thats why the top level ID is the last one

$ancestors = end($post->ancestors);

$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$ancestors."&echo=0");

// you will always get the whole subpages list



if ($children) { ?>


<?php echo $children; ?>


<?php } ?>


unction art_menu_items()


global $artThemeSettings;

if (true === $artThemeSettings['menu.showHome'] && 'page' != get_option('show_on_front'))

echo '<li><a' . (is_home() ? ' class="active"' : '') . ' href="' . get_option('home') . '">'.$artThemeSettings['menu.topItemBegin']

. $artThemeSettings['menu.homeCaption'] . $artThemeSettings['menu.topItemEnd'] . '</a></li>';

add_action('get_pages', 'art_header_page_list_filter');

add_action('wp_list_pages', 'art_list_pages_filter');


remove_action('wp_list_pages', 'art_list_pages_filter');

remove_action('get_pages', 'art_header_page_list_filter');


with out messing up the function?


Posted: 8/21/2009
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nope that is not it.. I am looking for the one for the sidebar.


Posted: 8/21/2009
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As you know wp_list_pages is in functions.php of your theme files but Artisteer use some variable in that template tag so if you just replace the code with your ready-made one your theme no longer will have access to those variables and will stop picking pages.

Can I know what functionality do you want to add with that code

Posted: 9/3/2009
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I am trying to have the sidebar page list only list the top level pages, and then when on a top level page it will display the childs for that page.

I will look around for a plugin, but I think with the Artisteer menus it won't work. Or if you know of a plugin that could do slide out menus for pages maybe?


As you know wp_list_pages is in functions.php of your theme files but Artisteer use some variable in that template tag so if you just replace the code with your ready-made one your theme no longer will have access to those variables and will stop picking pages.

Can I know what functionality do you want to add with that code


Posted: 9/4/2009
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This plugin widget solved it for me:

Sub Pages widget
Show only the sub pages, if the current page has sub pages
Version 1.1 | By Alper Haytabay


Posted: 9/4/2009
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Following plugin may work for you: http://srinig.com/wordpress/plugins/flexi-pages/