adding another child page in the sidebar mucks up my theme

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Posted: 8/8/2009
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I have another menu in my sidebar, with one parent link and five other child pages as a submenu. They work fine but if I go to add a sixth child page, the page ends up in the top menu instead of in the sidebar, and the whole layout is wrecked. Does artisteer have a limit on the number of links in the sidebar or something? I hve tested this with the Default WP theme, there is no problem there so it seems to be with the Artisteer theme.:-(

Posted: 8/8/2009
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OK forget I posted this - but just in case someone else makes the same mistake I did (too tired I think!) I thought I would post why it wasn't working and how I fixed it.
To start with, of course, since Artisteer doesn't by default have side menus, I added them in manually and exluded those pages from the topp menu. I forgot to do that with the new sixth page,, so it went to the top menu and that threw out the layout.
The moral of the story is - don't sit so long at the computer that you are too tired to know what you're doing!
Artisteer is great by the way - I love it!

Posted: 8/13/2009
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Judy, How did you add your side menu manually? I have Artisteer put page list in a block on the left side, but am trying to find out how to indent the child pages in the page list. Do you know how I can do this?

Posted: 8/13/2009
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@ Marlene

You can insert your pages as a menu in your sidebar by just adding pages widget to your sidebar from appearance -> widgets, it'll just display your pages as a simple list but your can modify its appearance from your style sheet

Posted: 9/13/2009
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Thanks, Garry (just now read your note!)... Please tell me:
1. by "style sheet" do you mean Stylesheet(style.css)?
if so, what would the child page in the page list, be called? I've been studying the style.css sheet and cannot find anything that looks appropriate.

2. if it's in a different sheet (.php) which one would include the page list in the left sidebar?

Thanks so much for your help. I will be checking back hourly (smile) for your answer.


Posted: 9/13/2009
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Yes I am talking about style.css, I think no styling is associated to your child pages in a widget by default, so you need to add some new classes.

Posted: 9/14/2009
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Ok, thank you. I will try doing that.

Posted: 9/14/2009
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I'm not getting it. I know CSS but have no clue WHERE to write. If I add a new class to indent the child pages... what do I name the "child pages"? ... are they already in a <ul> list somewhere?.... where do I add the new class to implement it?

I do not know how to read PHP.

Thanks again for your help.

If you would email me, I could send you the password, if that would help you help me....


Posted: 9/14/2009
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Posted: 9/14/2009
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Class "page_item" in your style.css control the display of pages and sub pages in sidebar and they are placed under <ul> <li> tags.

Posted: 9/15/2009
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Thanks, Garry. I added the following to the bottom of style.css in my theme, and it indented the child pages nicely. I was trying to make the font smaller for the child pages but it only made the 'disc' smaller. But at least it's indented.

.page_item ul {
padding: 0 0 0 0;
.page_item li {
margin-left: 25px;
padding: 0 0 0 5px;
list-style: disc;

Thanks again,