Transparency of sidebar blocks

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Posted: 7/29/2009
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Have successfully made the sheet background and header transparent, but I do not see where I can choose to make the sidebar (search box, etc.) match the rest of the theme.

Am I missing something obvious?

See Sample -

Thanks -

Posted: 7/29/2009
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You should insert color and texture in your sidebar also, it can be done filling texture in blocks, Visit: Blocks->background->texture in Artisteer to do it

Posted: 8/21/2009
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I am also looking for the possibility to create 100 % transparency in blocks/sidebar.

In blocks ->texture I can only insert textures, not create transparency.

How can I make my sidebar blocks transparent but still with a border?


Posted: 8/21/2009
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This option is currently not available in Artisteer but you can try inserting "background:transparent" in following classes:




in your style sheet

Posted: 12/16/2009
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Does this suggestion actually work?

I've been struggling to make my blocks transparent, have had no success, and it seems like there must be more to the suggestion.

Quote Garry:

This option is currently not available in Artisteer but you can try inserting "background:transparent" in following classes:




in your style sheet


Posted: 12/16/2009
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To make the blocks background transparent just choose from the blocks Header Styles options, select the header styles lookup and select an option from the top row of the With Header section.



Posted: 12/16/2009
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Test if URL tag works:

John Hake

Posted: 3/10/2010
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It seems that the content background for the article blocks is really set with a series of classes in template.css
.art-Post-tr etc.
To make the background transparent I tweaked .art-Post-cc
If you just make background:transparent then that is exactly what you get. I wanted a semi-transparent background to balance the appearance of the background showing through with the readabiIity. I created a 1by1 png graphic with the original background colour and then set the transparency to 14 and saved it to the template images folder as named it Post-cc.png.
In the class .art-Post-cc I deleted the background-colour: #fffff9 and added
background-image: url(../images/Post-cc.png);
This gives me the semi transparent background I wanted.
You can adjust the border, I think, by adjusting the
clip: rect (Top,Right,Bottom,Left)
values in the art-Post- tl, tr, bl, br, tc ,bc cl and cr rules.

Posted: 3/10/2010
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The best and easiest way to control transparency is with CSS. Below is the CSS property for transparency. You would apply it to .art-Post-cc (art-Block-cc for sidebar blocks) to affect the transparency of background color and images...

filter:alpha(opacity=50); /* IE */
-moz-opacity:0.5; /* Old Mozilla - Netscape*/
-khtml-opacity: 0.5; /* Old Safari */
opacity: 0.5; /* FF */

Change the number up or down to make background less or more transparent.


Posted: 6/17/2010
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its simple to transparent the sidebar go to sidebar and select sidebar styling to no style then choose transparent sheet ........................and its done

Posted: 3/4/2011
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"its simple to transparent the sidebar go to sidebar and select sidebar styling to no style then choose transparent sheet ........................and its done"


The simpliest solutions are the best. But sometimes hard to find :)

Thanks Irfan fo this tip
It works perfectly