Header Transparent Best Site

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Posted: 7/28/2009
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I love this Template make by Artisteer.


How make a Header Transparent.


Posted: 7/28/2009
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Just by using a transparent png image in header

Posted: 8/9/2009
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I have installed a transpaerent .png the same size as the header space to use as the background of the header space but there is still a 'fill' color in place which fills the background. How do we get rid of those fill colors and keep that header completely transparent to allow the page background to show through up there and then float a gif or png on top as the site logo?.

I am loving Artisteer and having loads of fun with it but am hopeful there will be more functionality added as time goes forward.

Thanks so much


Posted: 8/9/2009
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another great site made by Artisteer.....



Posted: 8/9/2009
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Are you using IE6, as it has an issue with rendering treansparent .png images

Posted: 8/10/2009
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I'd like to know on how they made those homepage background. Wasn't it cool guys to have those fading background in our own site? Please help!

Any idea would very much appreicated.


Posted: 8/11/2009
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OMG!!! How did they do that with the bg images? That so rocks!

Posted: 8/12/2009
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Not trying to bump this thread, but I really want to learn this one bad. Wou'd the creator offer source files? I mean this is awesome.

Posted: 8/12/2009
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Hi There,

Those bg are made using flash ( SWF files ).

I think this link would be useful to understand how it works in joomla :



Posted: 8/12/2009
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Quote Jay:

I have installed a transpaerent .png the same size as the header space to use as the background of the header space but there is still a 'fill' color in place which fills the background. How do we get rid of those fill colors and keep that header completely transparent to allow the page background to show through up there and then float a gif or png on top as the site logo?.

Another thought on this Jay, is that you won't be able to bring the PNG in through Artisteer, you'll need to upload the PNG header to replace the header after the template has been installed. The problem you're finding is that Artisteer will still render out the header as a JPG. to make a transparent header work, you'll need to create the PNG header with the transparency you want and then upload it and tweak the CSS and index.php file slightly to load the PNG instead of the JPG.

Posted: 8/12/2009
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To Tom: Even if you use the png option in the header with artisteer it still makes it jpeg?

To Aredrea: The link is ok on understanding flash, but I already use flash constantly with joomla(too much stinks like strong perfume)...I was just wondering what media and how they created it. When I change the bg, I use css so how do you add flash to the bg and on the first link, when you view the bg, it displays the grass? How do you integrate the both?

Posted: 8/15/2009
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I guess you made me work for it. thanks for the share and again, nice site!

Posted: 8/15/2009
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Have a look at www.lylechamney.com ... this has a transparent header with a foreground graphic with the graphic as a link to the "home page".

Here's how:

1) first - make sure that the graphic you are using does indeed have it's background set to "transparent" (in the case of PNG's, this is usually 'Alpha transparency) - NOTE also, that this step is a function of your graphics program (such as Fireworks or Photoshop) and NOT Artisteer
2) open the index.php of the template in question and locate the following:

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />

Add the following directly beneath this entry, substituting, of course, your own values for the template folder (lcdc2992 in this case) and the image file name (hdr1.png in this case)

<div class="art-Header"><a href="<?php echo $baseUrl; ?>/"><img src="templates/lcdc4rv3b/images/hdr1.png"></a></div>

Save, refresh and there ya go :)


Posted: 8/15/2009
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Additionally, regarding the above post, it should be noted that this particular template has the main menu at the top, then the header; if yours is header then menu, of course, enter the code provided at the appropriate location for that type of layout. In other words, it would be inserted above the:

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />

Posted: 8/25/2009
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Still stunned by these. The only trouble I've ran into is getting smooth scrolling with the clouds. I've tried coffeecup, koolmoves, and swishmax, but the clouds pictures jerk and separate. I made one layer the beginning clouds going out and the other layer the clouds coming in. Was wondering if the author or any one could help with this. Know this isn't a artisteer question, but is a template made with it .


Posted: 9/18/2009
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Quote 2ninerniner2:


Have a look at www.lylechamney.com ... this has a transparent header with a foreground graphic with the graphic as a link to the "home page".

Here's how:

1) first - make sure that the graphic you are using does indeed have it's background set to "transparent" (in the case of PNG's, this is usually 'Alpha transparency) - NOTE also, that this step is a function of your graphics program (such as Fireworks or Photoshop) and NOT Artisteer
2) open the index.php of the template in question and locate the following:

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />

Add the following directly beneath this entry, substituting, of course, your own values for the template folder (lcdc2992 in this case) and the image file name (hdr1.png in this case)

<div class="art-Header"><a href="<?php echo $baseUrl; ?>/"><img src="templates/lcdc4rv3b/images/hdr1.png"></a></div>

Save, refresh and there ya go :)


Doesn't work for me, i create png, gif, trasnparent with GIMP, i change the Header,jpg for my new Header.png, and change it in the style.css with no luck, appears a background white, then i tried this option and seems that is putting the same white background twice, so i have a very big white header... no ideas for now
Ed Coyne

Posted: 10/11/2009
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The prblem with the "fill" color automatically filling the transparent header is that it is included in the "sheet" background.

Posted: 10/12/2009
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Can someone tell me which gallery is used?

I like the one on the page.

Posted: 11/10/2009
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Thanks, should have thought of adding that in, wonderful stuff.


Quote Ruben:

Quote 2ninerniner2:


Have a look at www.lylechamney.com ... this has a transparent header with a foreground graphic with the graphic as a link to the "home page".

Here's how:

1) first - make sure that the graphic you are using does indeed have it's background set to "transparent" (in the case of PNG's, this is usually 'Alpha transparency) - NOTE also, that this step is a function of your graphics program (such as Fireworks or Photoshop) and NOT Artisteer
2) open the index.php of the template in question and locate the following:

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />

Add the following directly beneath this entry, substituting, of course, your own values for the template folder (lcdc2992 in this case) and the image file name (hdr1.png in this case)

<div class="art-Header"><a href="<?php echo $baseUrl; ?>/"><img src="templates/lcdc4rv3b/images/hdr1.png"></a></div>

Save, refresh and there ya go :)


Doesn't work for me, i create png, gif, trasnparent with GIMP, i change the Header,jpg for my new Header.png, and change it in the style.css with no luck, appears a background white, then i tried this option and seems that is putting the same white background twice, so i have a very big white header... no ideas for now


Posted: 12/6/2009
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I'd like to know how to make transparent headers as well.