DNN Final Output not matching design

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Doug B

Posted: 7/16/2009
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There seems to be a few issues with final output of the pages designed with the product. Are other experiencing issues with elements not matching up correctly on final output.

Posted: 9/1/2009
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Humm, i was considering purchasing this but now, i have second thoughts

Posted: 9/1/2009
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Ok, being fair,
I downloaded it and for the price, i decided to consider buying it over the next few days, after i can resolve these questions:
DNN final output not matching design, can I live with that? perhaps, if I use parts of the output like the custom menus, that would save me a lot of time....
DNN support/forums for this product as well as the fact that this is not something i developped means that a lot of headache will be incurred if i have to modify anything that the product doesn't and the client asked for, for example the client wants a dog-ear edge on the menu but in the color he saw on the artisteer template.... humm
DNN output is probably gonna be a generated stylesheet the length of I-don't-know-what because i cannot know before I buy
I LOVE what they did so far in terms of the software itself, but may be I would rather wait for more DNN support before buying? honestly, i was considering doing the same thing myself but these guys did a much better job that i could have, so for 50 dollars, I would rather buy then develop, or would I rather wait to buy a better more robust version instead of developing one... (I don't have time to spend on skinning, I am more into module development and I like it better)

what do you guys think about this and about dnn skin support?
Wells Doty

Posted: 9/2/2009
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I agree that it has a long way to come, particularly in the way of how it handles container creation. However, it has sped up my prototyping considerably. There are some things here and there that are difficult to work around but for the most part, it's all pretty much controlled with CSS so there's nothing I can't really edit myself.

A couple things I would like to see (having purchased it):

1 - The ability to remove 'generated by artisteer' from comments and final skin. It's a small thing, but I don't want clients doing an end-run on me especially when there's more to consider than just dropping the skin and going, like customizations for 3rd party modules, flash elements, etc.

2 - Container support - Abysmal at the moment, I'm not sure what the javascript at the beginning of the ASCX file is trying to do with the help icons but it's not working and ugly-fying everything. Maybe some checkboxes for the features you want (visibility, print, etc).

3 - Better token support overall. It'd be nice to chose where to drop the Login, user, breadcrumb, date, etc.

4 - Multi-pane / custom pane support. Along those lines, the current generated skin does not hold up well in edit mode, when you're trying to edit something in a multi-column skin, the editor gets clipped by the width of the column. I'm guessing this may be one of those "CSS is awesome" moments, but if it can be addressed in the creation of the templates that would help.

I'm sure I'll think of some more...

Posted: 9/4/2009
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I've purchased this for a community site I do for free and possibly a few others in the next few months. This software gives me a quick start but I do have to do some manipulations. I'm working on figuring out a way to take the generated design and add a few more panes in the main content for more flexibility without ruining the design.

Since this is the first version for this software that they have included DotNetNuke AND since it does save me a huge amount of time putting something together for a small client, I would recommend the software for those small projects where normally you might tweak a free design. I like the textures and interesting design options, the one-click shadows and all the stuff that normally takes me a bit longer to come up with. However, be prepared to do some fixing.

I do hope they continue with supporting DNN.

Posted: 1/13/2010
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I guess this doesn't export multi-column layouts correctly in DotNetNuke 5. This is an essential feature. Does anyone have a work around to the muti-column layout bug?

Posted: 1/13/2010
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Same problem here.
I've made a 3 column layout and after intallation I only have the content pane!

Posted: 1/14/2010
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If you only have one content pane then applied the Admin skin. Artisteer provides both an Admin skin and a Portal skin. As many others have said, Artisteer will get you 90% complete but with all web design you have to tweek it every now and then. We repalce the Artisteer generated panes with our own custom panes that we prefer.

As for Artisteer support for containers, you can always save the .artx file multiple times and change the Block and Article in subesquent files, then export the install and pull out the conatiners. This way you can make as mane containers as needed and still make sure they match your skin.

From a support standpoint, I believe the DNN support will only grow. Artisteer works great with Wordpress and they have supported it for a long time. Newer DNN support will follow.

For the price, you can place a value on time saved even if it does not meet every single criteria. I see far too often people discounting it because I can't "insert very small task here that i should probably know already doing web design"

Artisteer rocks and is well worth the investment