Footer Links ??

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Posted: 7/8/2009
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I'm getting incredibly annoyed: every time I have to change something small on my theme and upload it to my site to create the changes - my custom footer links are wiped out and I have to redo them all.

I really like artisteer, but I have quite a few sites - so this is a huuuugggeee time sink for me.

Is there some way for it not to touch the footer files when exporting the theme?

Posted: 7/9/2009
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Your footer links can remain the same if you edit your theme manually

Posted: 7/12/2009
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I'm not sure what you mean.

If you mean that when I need to edit something in my theme to use the theme editor instead of Artisteer, just so my footer links can remain intact - then what's the point of even using artisteer in the first place? I got Artisteer so I wouldn't have to mess with php and coding and stuff.

If you are speaking of editing or adding some code that makes the footer links stick regardless of importing the theme again, please enlighten me =)

Posted: 7/12/2009
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Export to a different folder so you have a copy of your footer.php that you modified.


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