Can't open in Dreamweaver

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April Hawk

Posted: 7/3/2009
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Hello all, I am a new user and am having a problem with Artisteer. I create the template for Website Company Home page and the program itself works great and I export it just fine to a folder.

I then open it in dreamweaver to add new pages and insert the links and text etc. There in lies the problem it takes forever to make even the slightest change. I assumed it was a problem with a very large style.css, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary that I am used to.

I removed all the references from the html file to any of the style sheets and got the plain old text version which moves real fast but I can't get an idea of the look until I actually upload it, and I can't select the styles I want for the other pages etc.

So I tried deleting all the headers and then called the styles.css al by itself and got the error:
Quote :
A recursive style import was found while trying to add style.css. Please resolve this error by editing the file in an external text editor and try again.

I tried opening it also in Frontpage, and that was a joke, I always have problems with Microsoft products so I wasn't surprised.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips to get through this? Is there something I can pull out of the style.css and put it back in later?

Please advise
Thanks in advance

Posted: 7/3/2009
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WOW, Unreal, I downloaded the 'KompoZer' software that dui76 sugested on a thread I just saw and I can't believe how easy it is and fast it is to edit the page, totally awesome, so glad I came up here and Thanks dui76 for your post on the subject


Posted: 7/26/2009
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Was this issue ever addressed by Artisteer staff? I am having the exact same problem - editing the Artisteer-generated HTML file for the website homepage is just about impossible to edit because of the delay it takes for a refresh to occur.

I like the application, but can't use it unless this issue is fixed.
Dave Porter

Posted: 7/29/2009
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Hi Bob,

This is not really an Artisteer issue.

WYSIWYG editors work find on code generated internally, but will always struggle ( and likely change and muck up the code ) with other code.

Just use an everyday html editor, like HTML-Kit

cheers Dave



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