Theme displays wrong in Firefox 3.5

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Posted: 7/1/2009
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I posted about Safari rendering themes wrong previously and had the thread totally ignored.

I figured Safari, whoopty whoop, not that many people use it.

But now Firefox 3.5 is out and most people will upgrade to that, as I did, and shock horror, Firefox outputs the same problem that Safari did.

So now this IS a BIG problem.

Can Artisteer please address it?

Here is a image of the Safari errors in comparison ton Firefox 3.0. Firefox 3.5 now displays the same as Safari. I didnt feel the need to make a whole new image.

You cant possibly ignore this error any longer.

Posted: 7/1/2009
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I managed to fix the blocks by changing block-cc left,right,top,bottom to 4px from 7px. But cant seem to change the article or the color error running behind the articles and blocks.

Here is the image showing what is wrong, I forgot to include it in the original post.

Firefox 3.5 now displays the same as Safari. I didnt feel the need to make a whole new image.

Posted: 7/11/2009
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I just purchased the Artisteer Standard Edition yesterday and was shocked to discover that my generated Wordpress themes do not display properly in FireFox 3.5. I had tested the demo on my main desktop system which has IE8 and FireFox 3.0.11 and the themes worked fine, but after upgrading FF on my laptop to 3.5 I discovered this problem.

I'm surprised this has not been addressed by the Extensoft staff here on the forums yet, since this is a commercial product claiming fully compliant code.

I've submitted a support ticket in hopes for a repsonse with a fix.

Posted: 7/11/2009
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Hey guys, I was having the same problem, but I have the previous version licensed on my spare laptop.

I've just exported the theme andf reuploaded it and its fine.

If you dont have a previous copy feel free to email your theme over and I'll export them for you, at least then your sites will run properly again :)

Posted: 7/12/2009
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This was the response I got to my support ticket about Artisteer Wordpress themes not displaying correctly in FireFox 3.5:

From Artisteer Support:
Quote :
We are not aware of such problem, otherwise indeed thousands of people would be contacting us too - but no one did.

So apparently nobody is emailing support about this but me?

Posted: 7/12/2009
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There is a known bug in Firefox 3.5 not displaying images correctly. It's a bug in the colormanagement function. I know it is a problem with all jpg images, I'm not sure if it's also a problem with other image formats. I have another website with a jpg as background and it looks horrible now and in my artisteer generated template, the header is really ugly.

It will probably be fixed in Firefox 3.5.1

Posted: 7/12/2009
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Hi chell,

The problem I'm having is not related to images. The header and background images are fine in FF 3.5. It's a layout issue. I'll post screenshots here this morning to clarify.

Posted: 7/12/2009
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Well hopefully this let's me add the screenshots properly... (I've blurred out personally identifying information)

First, here's my Artisteer template:

Here it is live in Internet Explorer 8, looks perfect:

Here it is live in FireFox 3.0.11, looks perfect:

Here it is in FireFox 3.5, obviously showing a real problem exists:


Posted: 7/13/2009
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After sending the screenshots and a link to the blog itself to Artisteer support, I got this saying that this is fixed in the 2.2 beta:

From Artisteer support:
Quote :
Just like expected this issue is not related to layout or alignment, but to colors implemented differently in Firefox 3.5. This is a known problem with Firefox 3.5 affecting many websites.

In Artisteer we implemented a workaround for Firefox 3.5 in the upcoming version 2.2:

So I downloaded the latest 2.2, re-installed, re-exported, and it did indeed fix the problem that I described above.