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Posted: 6/8/2009
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HI does anyone have solutions on how to use an Arrtisteer html template, in Quick.cms Their cms uses 2 css files, a default.css and a plugin.css, and the content of those looks very different from the css content from artisteer. Wich parts should go in wich file ? and what coloums to rename etc.

In the forum of quick.cms is a graphic showing the construct of the default.css, but it doesnt seem to work for me, even now where I have bought artisteer 2.

I did create the design I wanted, and now i am having problems getting it to work in that not yet supported cms.
Hope for some intelligent people out there... thanks

Posted: 6/8/2009
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Copy the contents of style.css to default.css change the call to style.css in header.php(<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/yui.2.4/build/container/assets/skins/sam/container.css" type="text/css" />

Now your css will be accessible

Posted: 6/9/2009
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Hi Garry, thanks for reply
I'm not sure how you mean, because nowhere in the intire Quick.cms does a header.php exist. ... and if i would have to create header.php, myself I also would need to know from wich part of that particular cms, should call header.php, beside of the content of header.php. Wich would make things rather complicated.
Opensolution has 2 programs: 1 some Cart site for shopping, and 2 this Cms, wich I'm referring to
But still thank you for replying
/ Peter

Posted: 6/9/2009
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You can merge header.php+index.php(remove calls to header.php,sidebar.php and footer.php)+sidebar.php+footer.php to generate a single file and we can say that index.php and you can use it anywhere

Posted: 6/9/2009
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HI Garry,
..and thank you again...
You still writes about a header.php that does not exist in that CMS. The same goes for footer.php and sidebar.php

Garry !, wich CMS are you referring to ?

My problem is to fit in that css design I have made with Artisteer, into Quick.CMS from OPENSOLUTION.ORG - (not quick.Cart)

None of the files you mention, are in that CMS

But thanks, for your respond
/ Peter


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