sidebar tabs

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Posted: 5/29/2009
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I've tried adding several js to create sidebar tabs, but haven't had any luck. Does anyone know how I can easily do this?

Posted: 5/30/2009
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Did you try inserting your JS into sidebar.php and calling it from index.php

Posted: 6/5/2009
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No, I have

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.idTabs.min.js"></script>

in the header.php


in sidebar1.php I have:

<ul class="idTabs">
<li><a href="#jquery">jQuery</a></li>
<li><a href="#official">Tabs 3</a></li>
<div id="jquery">If you haven't checked out ...</div>
<div id="official">idTabs is only a simple ...</div>

Shows up as a list, not as a tab.
Your Web Pros

Posted: 6/5/2009
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Hello Amy,

When ever I need to add a custom HTML or js to the side bar I use a TEXT type widget. You can paste the script or any HTML code into a TEXT widget and it will display it.

I hope that helps

Your Web Pros - Alex

Posted: 6/8/2009
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Gee, Thanks "YourWbePros" for the smart tip -- I learn so much from you!