Side bar

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Matt Williams

Posted: 5/26/2009
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Is there any way to have slide-out sub-menus in the side bar? I have tons of information, all on separate pages. I want the main topics displayed and the sub-menus "slide out" when the cursor hovers on the main topic--like the drop down menu only for the side bar. Does anyone know how to do this?

Posted: 5/27/2009
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Are you talking about wordpress theme, if yes go to appearance->widgets and add as may widgets as you need to your sidebar.
Matt Williams

Posted: 5/27/2009
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Yes, I'm using artisteer to design a Wordpress theme.

I don't have a problem adding widgets, that's relatively simple. I talking about the menu that reads like a page map down the left column--I want that to work like a vertical "slide out" menu, just like the horizontal menu that runs across the top of my page under the header.

Thanks for you quick response.


Posted: 5/28/2009
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Check this site out. I think it will do exactly what you want. Seems to work OK with Artisteer.


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