Archives and Categories.

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Glenn Garnes

Posted: 5/16/2009
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Where "Archives" and "Categories" appear on the menu bar under the masthead, how do you get the content to display when people click those links? How do you do it in a way that allows you to take advantage the ability to created nested dropdowns.

I'm a lay person so please keep this in mind in your response. If you can give me bullet point steps I'd appreciate it.

Your Web Pros

Posted: 5/16/2009
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Hello Glenn,

I hope this is what you are trying to accomplish.

To change the Categories and Archives links on the side menu bar to drop downs your going to want to edit there widgets. I am going to try to provide you with a step by step on how to do this.

1: login to your Wordpress site, so that your at the administration section where you edit your Wordpress site.

2:Depending on what version of Wordpress you have you will want to click on Design>Widgets or in the new version of Wordpress locate Widgets on the right menu under Apperance>Widgets.

3: Click on the edit button for the Categories widget. (It will be in the section where it displays widgets your currently using. Since the Categories and Archive widgets are active right now)

4:From the edit menu of the Categories widget select "Show As Dropdown"

5:Click Save Changes

6:Repeat step 3 - 5 for the Archive Widget.

Hope that is what you were trying to accomplish. Let me know if you need more help/clarification.

Your Web Pros - Alex

Posted: 5/17/2009
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Quote Glenn Garnes:

how do you get the content to display when people click those links?

When someone clicks on archives wordpress shows the archived posts and when someone clicks categories it'll display all the categories on your blog. A new blog may not display this content because there may be no categories created and no posts.

Posted: 5/17/2009
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How do you get them to show in the links of the menu that appears under the masthead? I see this an example in Artisteer templates but I don't see where it actually connects the dropdowns to be accessible from the menu bar under the masthead as opposed to the right nav column.


Posted: 5/18/2009
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If you are saying that categories and archives links are not showing navigation menu do following:

You can insert the following template tag to get archives ondesired location: <?php wp_get_archives('arguments'); ?>

and following: <?php wp_list_categories('arguments'); ?>
for categories