Quick n Dirty Fix for IE6 Slow Loading

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Posted: 5/11/2009
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Artisteer templates are slow to load in Internet Explorer 6, this is a known issue.

It appears to be something in the Javascript which is causing this slowdown.

For a quick and dirty fix, in page*.tpl.php, find the line which says

<?php echo $scripts ?>

and change it to:

<!--[if !(IE 6)]>

<?php echo $scripts ?>

This disables all Javascript on IE6 sites, and the site loads fine.

However, it breaks rounded corners quite badly so you'll need to add CSS to disable rounded corners on IE6:

.Block-cc {
display: none;

Any modules which load Javascript in the header (thickbox, admin_menu, etc) will break.

The site also looks ugly as sin, but I doubt many people who're still using that abortion of a web browser really care about aesthetics all that much.

Posted: 5/11/2009
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Follow-up: This fix DOES NOT work after all. It breaks Javascript in other browsers too.

Spent another few hours diving into it and the culprit is the huge number of "behavior: expression(...)" CSS attributes in style.ie6.css. These calls are VERY slow.

In the end I just removed all the "behavior" attributes from the file and then patched up the CSS so it (sort of) loads properly. No rounded corners, no PNG transparency, but at least the site loads in under 30 seconds.

Artisteer IE6 support is currently BROKEN.

Posted: 5/20/2009
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i suggest that artisteer use gif instead of png ... one reason being that png files seem quite big compared to gif ones ... looking at the post above, it would also solve the needed javascript code to make png transparent in msie


Posted: 6/21/2009
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their css coding is poor!

Posted: 1/17/2010
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does gif support transparency? :-X

Posted: 3/3/2010
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Yes, GIF was the original web graphic format (and still is the most used) way to use graphics with transparency. But either you have total transparency or no at all.


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