Add Favicon.ico to Wordpress theme

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Posted: 5/8/2009
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can you tell me how to add in a favicon.ico to my wordpress theme. I have done this before with straight html. I have tried adding:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/"/>
<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-ico"/>

to my header but it doesnt seem to work - (i have change mywebsite to the correct url).


Posted: 5/8/2009
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Yo should upload fevicon.ico (image) in root folder of your blog

Posted: 5/9/2009
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To Garry.....

I'm a real dummy here...could you please give complete instructions on adding a fevicon? I would appreciate that so much!

Big thanks in advance!

Posted: 5/9/2009
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Quote Kathy:

To Garry.....

I'm a real dummy here...could you please give complete instructions on adding a fevicon? I would appreciate that so much!

Big thanks in advance!

Opps....I meant favicon!


Posted: 5/10/2009
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1- Paste <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> in head section off header.php of your theme.

2- Generate a favicon.ico file of your logo(etc.) by visiting:

3- Upload it in root of your blog and you're done

Posted: 6/21/2009
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Thanks Garry!!!

We went out ot town and just getting back. I really appreciate your answering my question.


Posted: 6/23/2009
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Get the shockingly-simple-favicon.1.8.1 plugin. This question should be posted in Wordpress Forums and not here (not trying to be aggressive, but helpful, so you would get better answers). It has nothing to do with Artisteer, but only WordPress. For most such qustions, an answer in plu-in form can be found at

Posted: 9/17/2009
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Nick, if you're designing a site completely with Artisteer, maybe it's not that strange to assume you also put in the favicon there. I don't think it's a strange thought, that Wordpress is arranging the technical stuff, while Artisteer takes all the design, layout, etc.

And even more, with Joomla, it's even mandatory to put it in the template, not the main index or anything.We don't have a separate header.php. Now we have to hack a completed template, and have to remember to manually enter it again, as soon as you change anything.

Posted: 9/18/2009
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I agree, Peter. This is definitely a design issue, and adding a favicon feature should indeed be included in the program. Also, many solutions are specific to Artisteer (or even actually created by Artisteer, such as problems arising out of their Rubik's cube of a menu bar) rather than being a general wordrpess question. Artisteer is a great, though, not quite complete tool. I reckon that it'll involve to offer more choices and flexibility, but it's not there yet.

In all fairness, even for general wordpress questions, the answers here sometimes are better than what one may get at wp forums.

(Note: Much as I may annoy Artisteer, a devil's advocate stance will help spur them to improve product more than boot-licking praise and turning a blind eye to obvious problems, such as it's difficult, overly-complicated, and constricted menu bar.)