Blank Pages when Activating?

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S dawkins

Posted: 5/7/2009
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I have just noticed on some themes, that in the
wp admin, when clicking on a theme, the activation pops up, but the page is blank. Anyone else getting this error?
S Dawkins

Posted: 5/8/2009
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See Examples.....
shows no problem in the Themes

Click the name (to activate)


Posted: 5/8/2009
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This is cookie problem you should clear your browser's cache.
S Dawkins

Posted: 5/8/2009
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That does not help.

It does it in IE, FF, and Safari :(

It does this on many themes.


Posted: 5/9/2009
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Hay ocasiones en que instalas un nuevo theme en tu WordPress, vas al panel de administración, haces clic para ver como quedará tu blog y ¡ZAS! no se ve, la previsualización sale totalmente en blanco. Algo así es lo que les ha pasado a los desarrolladores del theme WP Contempo.

Pues bien, la solución es casi ridículamente simple. Resulta que parece que a los chicos de Automattic no les gustan las carpetas cuyo nombre contenga espacios, y si los tienen no muestran la previsualización, así de sencillo. Si tienes un theme que no se muestra la previsualización solo tienes que cambiar el nombre a la carpeta para que no contenga espacios, por ejemplo de “Style WP” a “Style_WP” o “StyleWP“, y ya se previsualizará.
There are occasions in which you install new theme in your WordPress, you go to the panel of administration, beams click to see as it will be left your blog and ZAS! it is not seen, the previsualization leaves totally in target. Something thus is what it has happened to them to the developers of theme WP Contempo.

Then, the solution is almost ridiculously simple. It is that it seems that to the boys of Automattic they do not like the folders whose name contains spaces, and if they have do not show them the previsualization, that simple. If you have theme that is not the single previsualization you must change the name to the folder so that it does not contain spaces, for example of Style WP to Style_WP or StyleWP, and it will already previsualize.