Metadata - Author Link

Author Message

Posted: 5/3/2009
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Hi all, I've just added the article metadata features to my site ( ) and the author part is proving to be a bit of a stumbling block. My site has six contributors and although the metadata is showing the correct author names, the links aren't going anywhere but the homepage. I'm hoping to be able to get these URLs pointing to the individual author archives (eg ) but from poking around in the PHP it looks like I can only specify one URL that all the author links will point to; not one for each individual author. Can anyone explain how I might go about altering this please? Many thanks.

Posted: 5/3/2009
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Are you talking about the links under: The Soundscout Team

I have seen that they are pointing to individual authors

Posted: 5/4/2009
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No, that's only my workaround I'm afraid.

I'm referrign to the metadata block in each article featuring post date and author. When you hover over the author's name you'll see that it's a link but it only goes to the homepage.

I'm looking for a way to alter that link for each of our six contributors so it points at their author archive page.

Posted: 5/5/2009
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There are two classes you need to find out from your theme files: "PostHeaderIcons" or "metadata-icons" one of them should contain a hyperlink, You should find (<a href" #"></a>) and change it to point it to your author page.

Posted: 5/8/2009
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Try this code
 <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?> 

Put it where you have the authors Info now. Replace it with this. It should then ink to all posts by an author.

Posted: 9/13/2009
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Hello SoundScout,

I would like to suggest something more "professional": on your computer, there is a file called "WordPress.xml" which apparently defines the way the theme is generated:

C:\Program Files\Artisteer 2\Library\Data\Templates\WordPress\WordPress.xml

You should modifiy line #11


<template name="PostAuthorIconContent"><![CDATA[<?php _e('Author', 'kubrick'); ?>: <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Author', 'kubrick'); ?>"><?php the_author() ?></a>]]></template>


<template name="PostAuthorIconContent"><![CDATA[<?php _e('Author', 'kubrick'); ?>: <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>]]></template>

Doing so, Artisteer will generate the theme with the correct code without having to edit some .php files manually afterwards.

I hope it helps