Using Flash in Headers in a WP Theme

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Posted: 4/28/2009
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Does anyone know how to add a flash header to an Artisteer WP theme ?

Is it even possible to do this ?

Reason for question......... I have seen a great looking site with a really cool flash header ( quick loading ) but it's a html site and I wanted to know if It would be possible to use the header from that site on a WP site.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: 4/29/2009
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You can't do it with Artisteer but you can do it manually, you should visit:

Posted: 10/5/2009
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Hello Garry,

You answered my enquiry requesting I search for a plugin.

I'm trying the same plugin, Kimili, as Jim from, but I'm not having any luck. Jim looked at my Artisteer generated header.php file and suggested where to put the call but it didn't work.

Have you ever got Flash to work with an Artisteer WP Theme?


Posted: 10/5/2009
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I haven't personally inserted flash in header of a wordpress theme but I think you can insert it directly replacing your header image.

Posted: 10/6/2009
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:-D Thank God it finally worked~

Just FYI...

After using the Media loader in WP to transfer the swf to the server and including the fully qualified path, it worked.

In previous attempts I tried using the full path (http://...) but I used FTP which seemed to have caused the simple line of code to be ignored...

Thanks for you help~


Posted: 10/7/2009
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Hi Jacque

Do you have a URL you can post? Just interested in seeing how it came out.


Posted: 10/7/2009
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:-) 10X GARRY

So many people have been asking me how to get a flash header for their WordPress blog site. I hope this post help those and the others who have not asked!

Actually its not that hard to do, not anymore! You’re saying: Oh, how so?

Well thanks to Michael Bester embedding a flash swf file is just so much easier and here’s how you want to do it:

1. Go here to download the Kimili plug in. This is now a WordPress plug in so you could do a search for it from your admin panel.

2. Install the plug in: Just unzip the files in the wp-content > plugin in the local copy of your blog then upload to where you’re hosting your blog.

3. Using your admin panel, activate the Kimili plug in.

4. Then go to wp-content > themes and find your theme and in that folder you should be able to see a file called header.php or a similar name depending on which theme you are using.

5. Then replace the header code which is something like this:

<div id=”header” role=”banner”>
<div id=”headerimg”>
<h1><a href=”<?php echo get_option(’home’); ?>/”><?php bloginfo(’name’); ?></a></h1>
<div><?php bloginfo(’description’); ?></div>


[kml_flashembed movie="filename.swf" height="250" width="400" /]

That’s it.

Now its really important that your flash file has the same dimensions as the header image you maybe replacing. If not you’ll have to modify the CSS that controls your theme’s style to change its dimensions. Its probably best to stay away from that if you’re not familiar with CSS.

Don’t forget to upload your flash file to your blog site!

That should do it. Have fun.

Posted: 10/8/2009
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Dear Tester,

Yes, all of the above comments are true, EXCEPT the one missing component is that you (or at least I did) HAVE to use the WP Media Uploader (NOT FTP) to upload the swf file and use the fully qualifed path name, that is http://... not just "filename.swf" else nothing displays, no matter where you put the code. That's how it worked for me. You may, depending on versions, whaterever, had different results; I posted this for those like myself, after following the 'simple steps' still had issues. My bad for using FTP...

ps: Matt, still in dev for a customer. I will when ready. :-)


Posted: 10/8/2009
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ps... in a WP Theme created using Artisteer2 the code should be placed like so:

div class="art-Header"
div class="art-Header-jpeg"/div
kml_flashembed movie="your.swf" height="y" width="x" /

Obviously replacing the y and x co-ordinates and with your size requirements and, like mentioned in a previous post, It was necessary for me to use "" AND use the WP Media Uploader (not FPT) to get the file on my blog.

Another note, name the swf file all lower case, one word.

Hope this helps with the fun vs frustration:-)~

Posted: 10/30/2009
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hello guys,
i want to show something
is that what you need?
please let me know

Posted: 1/13/2010
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:-D its very simple:

1. upload .swf into root folder via FTP

2. upload Kimili to plugins folder and activate - in 'settings' make adjustments

3. edit header.php to replace <div class="art-Header-jpeg"></div> with [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.domain/your.swf" height="y" width="x" /]

its that simple! enjoy

Posted: 1/30/2010
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followed all of the above and I still can't get my swf file to work. here is what I have in the header .php
<div class="art-Header">
[kml_flashembed movie="" height="2" width="131"/]

<div class="art-nav">
<div class="l"></div>
<div class="r"></div>
<ul class="art-menu">
<?php art_menu_items(); ?>


Posted: 2/15/2010
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Not working on this end either. Does the CSS have to change as well??



Posted: 2/15/2010
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In 2.4 you can add a Flash object in the header, then just replace the Artisteer swf with your own?

I also had a note from another designer today ;-)

Quote :

I also found that the new flash does not work with FireFox, actually, it only works with the newest version of FireFox, 3.6. It was working in IE and not working in FF. I had 3.5.7.
I installed v3.6 of FireFox, thanks to a tip and the form, and it worked. Take a look

Jakob Frandsen

Posted: 2/20/2010
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Hi I have tried to insert flash in the header of artisteertheme.
My problem is that my header.php doesn't contain any code to replace.
It only has this in it:
< .

I found out that the header is inserted as a bagground image from the .css file.

What ever i try, the
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.domain/your.swf" height="y" width="x" /]
shows on top of page and the rest of the theme is gone

Please help

Posted: 2/23/2010
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I also found that the Flash Effect that come in v2.4 cause a very slow load time. Adeptris reported that my load time was near 20 seconds with the simple Flash Effect active. I changed it back to just an image, no flash and the site loaded instantly.


Quote Adeptris:

In 2.4 you can add a Flash object in the header, then just replace the Artisteer swf with your own?

I also had a note from another designer today ;-)

Quote :

I also found that the new flash does not work with FireFox, actually, it only works with the newest version of FireFox, 3.6. It was working in IE and not working in FF. I had 3.5.7.
I installed v3.6 of FireFox, thanks to a tip and the form, and it worked. Take a look



Posted: 4/18/2010
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i did it, end it worked!
but only in my homepage
how do i make it run in all the site pages?
here is my site