Strange problem with Joomla template

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Posted: 4/28/2009
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I am in the process of creating a website which uses the JoomRes Reservation component within a three column template created with Artisteer. All is fine, however when a js calendar is activated it opens and stretches all aross the total width of the screen, it should be a small typical calendar box where you select the date. This only happens with templates created in Artisteer, all other templates seem fine, especially the standard install templates that come with Joomla. I love Artisteer and this is the first problem I have experianced, if anyone can help I would be truly greatful.

Many thanks


Posted: 4/28/2009
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which position is it assigned to?

Posted: 4/29/2009
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Joomres is a component that is linked to the main menu in Joomla and when selected from the main menu appears in the main body of the page where the articles normally appear. As per the post, everything is fine, it is only when you click to enter the date in the booking form that the javascript calendar pops, but instead of being your normal rectangular calendar box, it is extended in side across the whole of the screen. This also renders the calendar un-usable. There was an item in the knowledge base that related to changes in the base.css, however there is no file on my system to relate this. The problem only seems to occur with templates made using Artisteer. I have tried it with many others including the standard Joomla templates, Rockettheme templates and others, none exibit the same problem.

I am at a loss as to the problem having searched both the calender js Sourceforce forums, JoomRes and Artisteer.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards

Posted: 4/29/2009
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URL Please

Posted: 4/29/2009
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Sorry Garry but it is on a local server at the moment so I cannot offer a URL.

It must be something to do with the Artisteer CSS as I have now tried over 10 templates from various sources and no problem.

Any ideas would be useful, the knowedgebase only offered this:

In certain Joomla templates the javascript calendar can't be used
Solution (With thanks to Klabog for this solution)

Look in your base.css file for this line:


and change it to:


However I do not have any base.css file on my system.



Posted: 4/30/2009
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Find out the CSS associated with your calendar and reduce its width according to your needs