No Icons (Bullets) in the Blocks on Frontend (Main Menu)

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Posted: 4/28/2009
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Hi, I have exported a template. Preview with Artisteer is showing the Icons (left)

The active Template is missing the icons (right)

I have uploaded the pictures in binary modus, I have set the chmod to 777
but the icons are still missing in the frontend.

Does anyone have a hint for me?

Posted: 5/1/2009
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:-X I am using Version 2.1... is there anyone, who can give me a hint to solve my problem?

Posted: 5/1/2009
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hey. here's a thought. module manager/ mod_mainmenu >> menu style - list-> always show menu items - yes.

i think it more has to do with the formatting of your main menu.

Posted: 5/3/2009
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Thanks for that answer, but this did not work.

What do you mean, that sich hat to do with the formatting of my Main menu. In the preview of the Artisteer I can see the Icons (screenshot above), but not after uploading the template on the server.

I did not change anything in the css. Could you give me a further
hint, what you mean?

Posted: 5/3/2009
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:-D Jules it's me again.

I have taken a second look to my Main Menu. In the Main Menu I now have changed the menu stile (bullet). So if you meant this your
answer was very helpful..

Thx very much :-)


Posted: 6/8/2010
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I am having this same problem, only the resolutions in this forum haven't fixed my problem yet. I would take a srceen shot of my artisteer preview and then of my live joomla site, however it would mirror the above images almost exactly. I cannot figure out why the main menu images aren't showing up. Please assist. Thanks.

Posted: 6/9/2010
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@ Ben

You should place your main menu module on user3 position, you can read following documentation for more details:


Posted: 9/11/2010
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@ Garry

But if you want your menu to be shown on the left side, why to place it on user3 position? As i understand, user3 position is at the top of the website...But when we create the template in artisteer, we set the icons to be shown in a vertical menu on the left or on the right of the website... Can you clarify this please? The problem is with the vertical menus on the left of a website...That's where we lose those icons!

Posted: 9/12/2010
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@ George,

This is very old thread and there was no vertical menu at that time.

For vertical menu you should place main menu module on left or right position and set its module class suffix to art-vmenu to start using vertical menus, please visit following link for more details:

You can set module class suffix under: Extensions-> module manager-> Click "main menu"-> on your right click "Advanced Parameters"-> fill art-vmenu in "Module Class Suffix" input box.