Localized Theme NOT working correct.

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Ron van der Schaaf

Posted: 4/27/2009
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I'm using Artisteer for a time now but is it me or??
When exporting my themes the language is still in some places in english and i want to have it in dutch. The NL-NL.MO file is in the theme directory as stated in the manual of artisteer. But the date is always in the english notation! And everywhere there is "Posted in" and the word "Comment's" isn't translated.....

Please what to do, is it a bug or what....


Posted: 4/28/2009
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It is not a bug but you can change that manually, you may also provide the URL
Ron van der Schaaf

Posted: 5/1/2009
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Quote Garry:

It is not a bug but you can change that manually, you may also provide the URL

Hi Garry,

I'm not the only one having these problems i see. You also are talking to snapshotpete in the post: "language problem themes"

And you say i could change that manually but then i have to do that for every theme i create with artisteer? That's a lot of extra work!?

Why is the translation not working correctly?


Posted: 5/1/2009
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If you are talking only about the date format it is not theme specific you can change the date format from your wordpress admin.

Is everything fine with default theme ?

Posted: 5/3/2009
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Hi Garry,

The default theme is working perfect, and in the theme folder there is NO nl_nl.mo file.

You can see the testsite at http://beta1.123domeinregistratie.nl also there is a plugin installed to switch between the installed themes.


Posted: 5/3/2009
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You have installed default theme now

Posted: 5/4/2009
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Yes, it is the dutch default theme of the dutch wordpress 2.7 release.
Notice that in the side bar you can switch between themes. In dutch the are called thema's.

Posted: 5/5/2009
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It seems to be a problem in your theme's language file, you should contact Artisteer support: support@artisteer.com

Posted: 5/15/2009
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Hey Ron
I had the same problem, with the same language.
I have done some googling , and this is what I came up with.

- Open the Index.php from your custom theme
- look for "php the-time" (without the " )
- you'll see something like this <?php the_time(__('F jS, Y', 'kubrick')) ?>
- replace it with <?php the_time(__('l, j F, Y G:i', 'kubrick')) ?>
- upload, refresh, and done.

it should look like this zondag, 10 mei, 2009 9:09

Maybe the good folks at artisteer should take a look at this and remove this particular function, instead of hardcoding it in the themes.

Posted: 5/15/2009
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Thank you preske,

Indeed that changed some of the things. But there are also standerd words that do not get translated. I now saw that artisteer is sending some language files which we can use. No dutch however. When i set my wordpress to Italian of German then EVERYTHING gets correctly translated. So maybe artisteer should create a new nl_NL.mo file for us? I'm certainly going to ask further!

Posted: 5/15/2009
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I assume you are talking about author/auteur and stuff like that?
You can change that too by editing the index file, but i agree that it's somewhat annoying to edit manually.

I checked the standard mo/po files with PoEdit and everything is translated properly there. So it "should" work.
I don't know why it doesn't, seeing how my knowledge of php-coding is limited.

Posted: 5/15/2009
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It's a bug that could happend with multilingual or using the language files in blogs.
It depends on the code that artisteer is generated. Everything is fine with the .mo-files.
Artisteer uses php-code the_time(); for showing the date but this is wrong, it should use the_date(); (makes sense,huh ;-) ).
You have to edit some files yourself from your theme to get the right display.


Posted: 11/24/2009
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Are you looking for the real dutch translation for your artisteer wordpress theme ?

I have it, you can download it here
