Jommla and Dupar templates as a newsletter - html?

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Posted: 4/19/2009
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Hi, im looking for newsletter templates I can use in bulk email marketing. Is it possible to use the Wordpress,Joomla and Dupal templates for this purpose?

Thanks In Advance to all who graciously answer this question. :-{}
Marc Smith

Posted: 4/20/2009
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Artisteer also can output HTML version of any template you create.

Posted: 4/20/2009
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:-D okay, i get it now marc thank you!!! your saying there is no reason to go that length because artisteer is doing it for me already ok.

Posted: 4/27/2009
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A newsletter template would be useful though. You don't want to inlude lots of CSS and even JavaScripts in a mailing do you? It would be wonderful to have a stripped version of the templates (without menus, banners, etc...) to use for e-newsletters.

Posted: 4/29/2009
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I agree Pieter. I'm just not interested in learning CSS and think Artisteer is amazing for Joomla templates etc but I'd love it to be able to generate simpler CSS designs for use in emails that all recipients using different mail client software could see.

I'd also love to be able to drop text and images into the designs, copy and move module containers about etc - in fact just add a bit of content to the template within Artisteer itself.

Has anyone found an easy way of adding content to a template without Dreamweaver etc?


Posted: 4/29/2009
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Simply opt for HTML template when Artisteer starts, create design, export as HTML template and you'll be able to use it even as newsletter

Posted: 5/5/2009
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Thanks Garry, but how would you add the content to the template without having Dreamweaver? Is there a good free wysiwyg editor that you would recommend?

Is adding an integral content editor / builder something for a future release of Artisteer?

Posted: 5/5/2009
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You can use a wysiwyg editor to add text it. You may like to visit:

Posted: 9/18/2009
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Is it possible to derive an HTML template from a Joomla template that I made already?


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