Too much space around articles

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Posted: 4/10/2009
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Hi, Anyone know how I can remove some space above and below my articles? Should be simple. I just don't know css or where to find the code.

Posted: 4/10/2009
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url is not correct.

But you have to edit CSS to do so.

To test it safely and off-line you could download server2go ****

Then make a copy of you're template map and install it in Server2go.
You can find the template in server2go/c:/ -- allot of numbers /htdocs/...

Then open up you're css with wordpad or dreamweaver and look for a line witch says something like: postcontent and try to alter the margin lines.

A better way to find the correct div is to open the page in Firefox, select a few lines including the title of the article and press right mouse. Choose show source and if you take a good look you will see wich div it is.

Succes !

Posted: 4/10/2009
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A little extra help:


should be used to set spaces. 5px can be more or less depending on what you want.