Version . Drupal template Menu problems in IE7 and Drupal

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Posted: 4/9/2009
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My menu is fine in Firefox but in IE7 and Opera 9.64 things appear broken.

Firstly the words are falling off the end of one of the menu buttons. I've selected the largest size button, have the font size at 13px and am only trying to get the words "News and Events" on. It is is fine in Firefox.

Secondly, sub-items aren't showing correctly in IE7. In my test site I have two sub-items under News and Events and only one shows. And it is the second one in the list that shows. If I add a third sub-item (as I just did to further test things) then the second and third show. If I re-arrange the order the sub items are listed, it is still the items listed second and third that show.

Thirdly, it is impossible to click on the drop down items as they disappear.

In Opera, the words News and Events are at the bottom of the menu tab and none of the sub-items are showing.