Foreground photo alignment (in the header)

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Jeremy @ GoldFigure

Posted: 3/25/2009
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It would be really handy to have an alignment option on the foreground photo as you do with the title text (top left, bottom right, etc)

Keep up the good work.

Marc Smith

Posted: 3/25/2009
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That is, if you have a Foreground image in the header. If you haven't added one, then this option will be greyed out.
Jeremy @ GoldFigure

Posted: 3/27/2009
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Sorry, I didn't make myself very clear.

I am aware that there is a Position command where I can drag the photo around. It's not very easy to do this precisely (i.e. align exactly on the left margin, aligned centre on the vertical axis).

In the title style I have the very helpful 'Align' options in addition to the Position command.