Example of Fluid Width

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Marc Smith

Posted: 3/23/2009
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Here is a link to a site done in Artisteer, then modified to make it "fluid width"

It is good down to a size of 800x600

This took about two hours to do and involved edits to the style.css file. That is the ONLY file that required editing.

No telling how much of an issue some sidebar widgets might cause, but this is to show that it CAN be done with a little effort


Marc Smith

Posted: 3/23/2009
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For those inquiring about fluid width.

Posted: 3/24/2009
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Broken in Chrome (footer is above right hand blocks and menu block headers repeat horizontally)

Broken in Firefox 3 (menu block headers repeat horizontally)
Marc Smith

Posted: 3/24/2009
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I didn't say it was perfect, but it can be done for those who want to take a stab at making a fluid width theme.

The menu black header repeats in IE.

I didn't debug it completely, but thanks for the info GSP


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