Article margins

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Posted: 3/19/2009
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I want to say ... very good program. I love it and bought it.

It would be great it you could set the margins of the article separatly for top, right, bottom and left. I have a layout where i need to have left/right of 60px but a top of 0px and a bottom of 15px. I have to change it by hand now and that's fine for me but the problem is, I can't see these changes in the preview.

Maybe an option in each tab where you can add some styles that are not (yet) available as selectable options. e.g. in the article tab there would be an option "custom styles" and I could enter "margin: 0px 60px 20px 60px;" there. Than it could be shown in the preview.

This way you would create a feature that opens many possibilities and would be an answer to many questions and requests.

Hope this helps


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