Screen Resolution

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S Dawkins

Posted: 3/17/2009
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Not sure if I can explain this right, but does anyone know code to add to the header of a template to have the browser check the persons resolution and then use a certain style sheet.

I was proud of myself I made a pretty nice theme but realized it doesn't load right unless resolution is over 1200.

This is the url, if your screen is under 1200 (such as 1024x600) this is what it SHOULD look like
Marc Smith

Posted: 3/17/2009
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Good tutorial on javascript for setting screen resolution.

Unfortunately, you may have trouble getting it to work with Wordpress.
S Dawkins

Posted: 3/17/2009
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Thanks Marc,
I knew I had seen something about it in the past but couldn't remember how to search for it.
Will give it a whirl and hope it will work for WP.

Posted: 3/17/2009
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The author here has some scripts for calling different CSS files based on screen resolution: