Background Ruin when Minimize

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Posted: 3/15/2009
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Thanks for providing the great software.

I've been using the new version 2.0 to design my site, but what I
encounter is that when I try to minimize the screen, the sheet move
and does not stay on the middle, making my page un-align and looks
weird. You can see the sample here:

I try to use 1024 * 768 screen resolution and the page just don't look right.

Do you have any idea why is this happening and how can I repair this?

Appreciate your help here.
Marc Smith

Posted: 3/15/2009
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I went to the site, minimized it and brought it back and everything worked fine, so I'm not sure what the issue is.


Posted: 3/15/2009
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Checked in Firefox, Opera and IE and it presents OK to me at 1024x768. Maybe try and clear your cache?


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