Aristeer Software =

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George cZ

Posted: 3/14/2009
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Does everyone experience sloww times when under the software? Now I do still have the trial version loaded (2.0). I choose try home edition and wait about 10 seconds then it pops up.. If I clcik suggest design it takes about 9-10 seconds to pop up a template suggestion.. Manual selection seem to work just fine. I do have 2GB of ram and use PS WITH NO PROBLEMS - Have loads of space so I'm pretty sure I'm OK there...

Is it just the trial.. and maybe goes away once you purchase?

Thoughts? Suggestions?


Marc Smith

Posted: 3/14/2009
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The program does take a few seconds to come up, that is normal.

Whenyou click on template suggestions, the program has a LOT of things to change, randomly and then draw it one the screen. It also takes a few seconds.

Everything is fine with what you are seeing.

Opening Photoshop on my system (quad core duals with 8Gb RAM) takes more than just a few seconds, as does Artisteer. Same with Office, Open Office or other large applications that are graphically intensive.



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