Two lessons

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Posted: 3/8/2009
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I purchased this product last Sunday. My work looked great in the tool. I was under pressure to get the project done for a new client so I just purchased it, assuming the output would be great, too. Not so! The output files require A LOT of work to be publishable. I told my story to the managemen and they have refused a refund. Two lessons learned: 1. Use a credit card to make your purchase. 2. Don't buy this product. I feel ripped off!!!!

Posted: 3/8/2009
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what version number you have purchased ?
best regards

Ed Coyne

Posted: 3/8/2009
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This is one of three things:

1. An attempt to get the product for free.
2. Someone that shouldn't have web design clients, in the first place.
3. An attempt to discredit a competing product.

Posted: 3/8/2009
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I agree with you Ed Coyne !

Posted: 3/8/2009
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Too bad CWalsh didn't tell us the output platform for which he/she was using Artisteer for.

Granted, artisteer doesn't build module positions in joomla, but those are no big deal to put into the layout. Same way with other platforms.

If you know anything at all about the platform you are working in, adding "things" to an Artisteer template isn't difficult - "IF" you know what you are doing in the first place.

So, ED - add "ineptness" to the list.

Posted: 3/8/2009
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I am not any of the three outlined above. I am a consumer who purchased the current version for $49.95 and was not happy with the output for both a WordPress blog and an html webpage. The graphics looked great in the tool. When I exported, I had to spend WAY too much time retouching, redoing to make it worth the time and money i had paid. How dare you say i shouldn't have design clients! This tool SUPPOSEDLY was to help make design work easier. NOT SO. When I was not happy, i asked for a refund and now I am being villified.

I purchased on Sunday and requested a refund a day later. Legally, you have 72 hours when you make a purchase to get your money back....but not here.

I would NEVER purchase another software from this company. Not a good way to do business.

Posted: 3/8/2009
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Couple of more comments.

I don't want this product for free. I will never use it again. It has left a very bad impression.

I have not tried a competing product. I was looking for something that would do the job...and from what I read, I thought this would work.

My 'ineptness' was believing what I read...and not using my credit card.

Posted: 3/8/2009
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Want some cheese with that whine CWALSH? :-D

There is a trial version to download to see if it`s
right for the job you want to do ... YOUR mistake.

Not a good way to be a customer :-P

Marc Smith

Posted: 3/9/2009
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Given that there are dozens of people here in this forum who use this product every day to create designs without having to tweak them one bit after posting them, I can only say that something on your end must not be right.

Unfortunately, I didn't see any posts from you here on the forum asking for help, there are several of us who try to help every user with this product (we are NOT Artisteer employees) with whatever issue they have.


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