Safari 4 Beta Style Sheet Errors

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Christopher Bigelow

Posted: 2/25/2009
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I am using new beta Artisteer and Safari 4 beta. Warning - Style sheets are a mess in Safari 4.... Hope to find the cause of this soon!
Dan E.

Posted: 2/25/2009
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Can you send a link to your site, I just downloaded Safari 4.

Marc Smith

Posted: 2/25/2009
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Is it just Artisteer themes? Or is it other sites as well?
Christopher Bigelow

Posted: 2/27/2009
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It is just Artisteer generated themes. The two sites I have built with the Artisteer beta version both do it. They lose the navigation and most of the block styling. I would direct you to them, but I have not launched either of them yet.

Easy to replicate though, just create a theme in the Artisteer beta and then visit in Safari 4. Make sure you use two level navigation and sidebar.

Add a few pages and a few widgets and you will see what I mean. Unless it is just something I am doing, but sites I have built with the non-beta version of Artisteer don't have the same issue... So it leads me to believe it is a Artisteer Beta / Safari 4 only issue. The sites generated with Artisteer Beta look fine in Firefox and other browsers, just not Safari 4.


Posted: 7/27/2009
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Im having an issue with the footer in classgrassy 2 slipping to the side but only in safari. anyone know why this is?

Posted: 7/27/2009
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The operative word here being BETA.

You don't try to fix code for something that is causing errors in someone else's BETA program.

The reason it's BETA is because it's not finished yet.