Artisteer Beta 2 adding borders to pics and tables

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Posted: 2/20/2009
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Every pic and table on my site has a border whether I tell it to or not. How can I get it to stop this? The site is

Its a real problem since the artisteer themes size vertically to the content and this makes the entire drop down menu not viewable on pages with little content. So I have added blank white photos to fill space to fix that problem. But now with the border issue you can see the borders around the blank white photos so its terrible. Help??
Marc Smith

Posted: 2/20/2009
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I would recommend that you not create a site and make it live using a BETA version of the product.

That being said, there is a control under >ARTICLES>OTHER ELEMENTS>PICTURE>BORDER that allows you to add or remove the border.

If you are using another plug in that deals with images, such as a gallery or photo display tool, it is possible the image border is being applied by th CSS that controls that plug in.

So, first, load the default template and see if the border appears on the images there. If so, you know it's a plug in causing the problem. Turn off the plug ins one at a time until the border disappears.

Posted: 2/20/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

I would recommend that you not create a site and make it live using a BETA version of the product.

That being said, there is a control under >ARTICLES>OTHER ELEMENTS>PICTURE>BORDER that allows you to add or remove the border.

Thanks, that was it. Just didn't see that. I had created the site with the regular version, but there's a few things available in the beta that I liked so I tweaked my original design a little bit with the beta. That was the only thing that went wrong. Thanks for the help.

Posted: 2/20/2009
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You can also solve that problem in the CSS file

img { border: 0 none;}


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